Sex is a part of life.

And since we're human,
so is unprotected sex.

We created the most effective emergency contraceptive pill*.

Get it now


The most effective morning after pill* available without a prescription.
Ask your pharmacist - they must decide if this product is right for you.

Questions and concerns you may have

Does emergency contraception have side effects?

True / False

Does the morning after pill work like an abortion pill?

True / False

Does the morning after pill affect your chances of getting pregnant later?

True / False
1 3
1 3


Be Assured

2.5 times more effective*

EllaOne® is 2.5 times more effective* than other morning after pills on the market and works by delaying ovulation. So if you take it before you ovulate no egg will be released and thus no fertilisation can take place. EllaOne® won't affect your fertility and you should consider using a barrier contraceptive method until your next period, as EllaOne® only works for the time it is taken.

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